It's really a shame for the science of Social Psychiatry that Georgios Anamateros never in his life visited a specialist in the field. It's really a pity that we don't have any official medical records about the utterly paranoid and manic deppresive persona of the 21st century. Listen to this statement of his: "A man is never happy with his Peace, unless he arrives to conquer her through a War suiting him nicely; but even if he arrives to conquer her that way, his moment of happiness doesn’t last for long: he finds surprised that he just wants to lose her, in order to conquer a more desired Peace, through a more demanding War!" Now tell me sincerely: aren't you curious to know what were the causes that made this man desiring constantly to suffer in such a Sisyphean way? Of course we do know now that he was an ardent voyeur in his adolescence (climbing, among other things, to adjacent house roofs in order to take a closer look at, for instance, a female neighbour taking a shower), but we also know that he didn't start masturbating (though he had constant erections) until he was 20 years old! Now isn't this quite surprising? All he wanted was to narrate his voyeur adventures to his school friends next day! Nothing more! Now you may say that he was oppressed by his parents, but I'll tell you that they were not the average Greek petite-bourgeoisie couple: his father was a far superior erudite weirdo than him and his mother was an artiste-de-vie (unlike him). So now there comes the first enlightenning question: when and where was Anamateur's first child born? Answer: in Lisbon with a Portuguese girl, when he was 103 years old! True or not? And don't tell me that he knew then that he would live 52 more years! (I remind you: he died in 2131 AD). No, no dear colleagues, Georgios thought he was dying, that's why he retired to an environment he was in harmony with: the subtle Portuguese society. Second enlightening question: he never got bribed as an engineer in Greece, right? Right: he always acted in a Don Quixote manner. Now combine the two answers and they will tell you everything! Speaking in Freudian terms, the Greek Anamateros' superego was much more oppresive than the the Portuguese Anamateros' superego. Why? Because while the Portuguese superego creates some manageable guilts to the one who gets corrupted, the Greek superego creates unmanageable guilts (of a Sisyphean nature) to the one who CAN'T get corrupted! Oh it is a pity that the science of Social Psychiatry didn't examine 'live' Anamateros, but we do have his jazz musicals — and their in-depth study will hugely help on-going research on how the parameters of Freud's theory change in third world countries (like Greece).